
Draft: Work in Process

Beginners are classes 2-4. Daily play ground time with games such as cricket, football, and netball. Library, IT, and arts sessions conducted by dedicated staff. Robotic and IT sessions. Performances, readings, recitations, plays, competitions, games different types of stage performances.

Field trips for Beginners

Field trips are conducted regularly with formal SoPs for raising awareness about where we are and the issues we confront.

Hyde Park for Beginners

A fun place for interacting and emulating the confidence of those who volunteer and come forward to present.

Plan and Details

Each child has one intuitive aim: self development. They desperately want to develop their faculties and abilites to cope with a strange, complex world. They want to do and see and learn for themselves through their senses and not through the eyes of an adult. The confidence for becoming a full person, thinking and emotionally aware. That is education.

Why us?

Experience how children will love to come to school. How learning is enaging and fun. Children learn to have love for learning. English, Science, Maths, Urdu, Games, ICT, library and robotics are all weaved around real-life projects which instill excitement and thrill.